Intelligent Navigator

The UPPS! Extension Intelligent Navigator is cip alpha's solution for highly efficient navigation through Polarion LiveDocs.
Preview using the UPPS! Preview at all links and cross references like at links in Wikipedia
Navigate between WorkItems in LiveDocs using the UPPS! Dial like in browsers with the ← button and left/right mouse button
Never again get stuck in the LiveDoc history just because you followed a pinned link

When editing WorkItems in LiveDocs, it is common for the content of WorkItems you are working on to be related to the content of other WorkItems you have already edited or which others have edited.
It is then unavoidable to navigate back and forth between the different WorkItems. In large LiveDocs, this can quickly become inconvenient because you have to scroll laboriously or even navigate with the help of the browser's search function.
The UPPS! Dial of the Intelligent Navigator behaves like the ← button of browsers: Left-click navigates directly to the most recently focused WorkItem, right-click opens a drop-down menu with the recently focused WorkItems for selection with left-click.